Guimarães near Porto
The girl is singing Rosa Branca
Portuguese little girl with a present from Cieszyn - A doll in traditional regional dress!23 April 2012
At the official reception we could see customs, dances and traditions of our countries. We could listen to Portuguese Fado. It is hearttouching. We could also taste the original home-made food. The best was BACCALAU ! It is traditional salty and dried cod (a kind of fish).
In the afternoon - the official visit in the townhall.
Later a stroll around the city.....
Climbing up the castle hill was not so easy!
24 April 2012
We went to see the city and the famous ruins of the castle - the cradle of Portuguese country!
The city impressed us a lot.
We learnt pretty soon that Guimarães was the Capital of European Culture 2012 thus they had a logo of this event! See some examples:
The biggest heart logo was visible from few kilometres at night!Each owner of the shop had a specific logo designed in style of the shop!!! Amazing!
Heart logo - presentation
Hearts projects made in Cieszyn - Poland
Heart projects made in Cieszyn (part 2) - Poland
25 April 2012
The river bank and the most picturesque view!
We tasted delicious Porto wine here!
Traditional boats which were used for transporting the wine barrels!
Porto is called the city of bridges.
The view of the railway station in Porto took our breath away!
26 April 2012
On Thursday morning we chose the logo for our project. In the afternoon we visited the Castle of
Dukes of Braganza. It was unbelievable how historical place meets the modern art and inventions!
This logo was the winner!. It needs only a litlle correction.
The Spanish flag must be replaced with the Basque flag!!!!
The Castle of Dukes of Braganza.
The modern ideas found the right place in history!
27 April 2012
28 April 2012
It was the time for the last walk in the city center and unexpectededly young students interviewed us on the reason of being in Guimarães. The footage was supposed to be shown on Portuguese TV.
The main square in Guimarães.
The short interview - we explained the idea of Comenius project.
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